A BER Certificate or BER Rating is a Building Energy Rating provided by a qualified BER Assessor, which shows how energy efficient a property is.
Following the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, The Irish Government, along with many other countries, agreed to reduce its greenhouse gasses and other harmful emissions. One way to achieve this has been to introduce the BER scheme, which will show prospective buyers and tenants how energy efficient a property is and therefore encouraging landlords and homeowners to increase their properties energy efficiency.
The more efficient a home is, the less it costs to heat and the fewer fossil fuels are required to maintain it and in turn the more attractive it is to future tenants or owners.
As a result, it is now compulsory in Ireland when offering a property for sale or rent, to show it’s energy efficiency rating or BER Rating.
If you are offering a property in Ireland for sale or rent, you must by law, provide a BER Certificate for potential buyers and tenants.
This will allow prospective future occupiers of the property, to compare the buildings energy efficiency, to other houses in the area, and in turn, better estimate the cost of future heating and energy bills.
A BER must also be provided before a new home is first occupied.
Commercial properties also require BER Certificates which can be provided by Commercial BER Assessors. Our trusted partners Buildcert can supply both Commercial and Domestic Energy Ratings.


The Building Energy Rating Certificate comes with an accompanying advisory report. This report outlines what measures you can take to imp[rove your BER through a deep retrofit. You may then choose to implement some or all of the changes outlined.
BER Services recommendations may include but are not limited to:
- increasing the insulation in the walls/attic/floors
- installing advanced energy efficient windows/doors
- measures to achieve controlled, healthy ventilation
- replace an old or inefficient boiler with a more efficient boiler
- installing modern heating controls
- installing certain types of renewable energy heating systems
- insulating the hot water cylinder and pipework
An advisory report is a key tool for all home buyers. It is particularly useful to those who have just purchased an existing dwelling which they plan to improve or remodel in their early stages of occupancy. This report will outline to you how you can gain the full benefit of energy usage in your home. It will help save you money from the moment you move in.
Which buildings need a BER Certificate?
New dwellings: The regulations apply to new dwellings for which planning permission was applied for on or after 1st January 2007.
New Non-Domestic Buildings: The regulations apply to new non-domestic buildings for which planning permission was applied for on or after 1st July 2008.
Existing Buildings (dwellings and other buildings) when offered for sale or letting on or after 1st January 2009.
- A BER Certificate remains valid for 10 years
- A Provisional BER Certificate remains valid for 2 years.
- An Advisory Report that contains recommendations to improve the energy rating will also be issued with each BER certificate.
“Advisory Report” means a report held, and which may be viewed, in electronic form on the BER register, to accompany a BER certificate or Provisional BER Certificate, on the basis of a BER assessment of a building and in a form approved by the issuing authority with the prior approval of the Minister, which contains recommendations on how the energy performance of the building may be improved in a cost-effective manner.
A Provisional BER cert can be completed when using initial construction drawings (before dwelling is constructed). This Provisional Cert is only valid for a maximum of 2 years while the dwelling is being constructed. If the dwelling has not been completed within this period, a further provisional cert will be required. A Provisional Cert should also include any improvements that can be made to improve the BER.
A complete BER cert can only be completed when the dwelling has been completed to the specification given with the initial drawings. If any changes or improvements have been made, this must be included in a new specification sheet and the builder / client must sign the declaration of conformance that the dwelling has been built in accordance with the Building Regulations or a new specification sheet if better quality materials were used.